Calendar 2025

The Clown Club will be closed on the following days:

Wednesday the first of January                                      -New Year’s Day

Monday the 21st of April                                                  – Easter weekend

Monday the 5th of May                                                    – Liberation Day

Thursday the 29th of May                                               – Ascension Day

Monday the 9th of June                                                   – Pentecost

Monday the 4th to Friday the 15th of August              – Summer vacation

Thursday 25th and Friday 26th December                  – Christmas

Wednesday the 31st of December                                 – Last day of the year

Thursday the first of January 2026                             – New Year’s Day


We close at 5 p.m. on the following days:

Friday the 5th of December                                       – St. Nicholas

Wednesday 24th of December                                 – Christmas Eve