All teachers working in childcare in The Netherlands must have a bachelor’s level degree in education, educational social work, medical care, or a similar approved study equipping them with the knowledge and experience required to work with young children. The majority of our teachers have completed graduate studies to specialize in a variety of important areas: We have eight infant specialists, for example. We have specialized student teaching supervisors and Innovation and Quality in Childcare Coaches (cIKK). We have a Healthy Childcare Coach (cGK) and teacher-trainer specialized in the Dutch national initiative called ‘A Healthy Start.’ Our teaching team impresses! It’s one of the reasons we are recognized as a model early learning center by both the Dutch and European educational authorities, including the European Development Agency’s program for multilingual educators.
In addition to their bachelor’s degree and relevant specialist courses, all teachers complete children´s first aid courses, and several are also trained as emergency response officers. Our impressive training and continuing education program support our teachers’ professional and personal development, and we are fortunate to have several certified teacher trainers and coaches on our team. All staff members are required to have a government-issued background check and a positive statement of good behavior that are continually updated for all childcare employees. The Dutch standards for childcare professionals are quite comprehensive and extensive.