English 1

In English 1 we make it possible for the child aged 8 months – thirty months to feel comfortable and safe enough to explore the environment, by creating a safe and secure environment.

We approach children with an open mind, listen to their stories, and pay attention to their feelings. We also provide them structure and predictability as much as possible. It is important for the children to develop in different areas of development. We have different materials to stimulate the children in their development, such as blocks, natural materials, puzzles, dolls and books. Each morning we do circle time with the children. We start by singing our “Good Morning” song. We greet all the children and teachers and then we sing songs and read stories. To encourage the children to learn and discover new things, we work with themes, for example, the seasons. We tailor the activities to the abilities of the children in our group.

The maximum of children in this group is 11.

The teachers of English 1 are Adina, Irma and Mar.