Dutch 2 and Dutch 3

Dutch 2 and Dutch 3 house children from 2 to 4 years of age. Besides providing a safe and familiar environment, the different developmental areas are stimulated through play. We do this by using different materials such as: natural materials, blocks, dress-up clothes, dolls, books and craft materials.

Every morning we sit with the group of children in a circle; we call this “the circle. We begin the circle with a welcoming song “Good morning all,” greeting each other. Alternately, different activities are done in the circle, such as singing songs and reading books. Usually the activities are about the theme the children are working on. Based on these themes, the children learn new words, their imagination is stimulated and social interaction between the children and the group leaders is encouraged.

The self-reliance of the children is stimulated during their stay in Dutch 2 and Dutch 3. This happens, for example, by letting them put on/off their coats and shoes themselves, let them go to the toilet themselves, let them wash their hands and help with cleaning up. Games such as memorie are also played with the oldest toddlers. In this way we prepare the children playfully for the transition to elementary school. We find it important that they are prepared cognitively, motorically and socially/emotionally for this, of course within the limits of the ability of the individual child.

The maximum number of children is 14 per group.

The teachers of Dutch 2 & Dutch 3 are Christin, Deirdre, Laura, Nazanin, Priscilla (not pictured) and Wendy.